Lonnie, a crop duster pilot, must lead a mismatched group of survivors to escape the deadly zombie horde after an experimental chemical, intended to control the invasive kudzu vine, transforms the citizens of Charleston, MS into zombies.
In the British countryside, the Harver family head out on an idyllic summer camping trip where they can bury past tensions and enjoy some family bonding. But when their camp is sabotaged by an unseen intruder in the night, they head to the nearby creepy old farm desperate for help, where vengeful farmer Hunt Hansen and his hideously deformed son aren't farming animals... Caged ...
When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degenerate, devilish creatures.
Malina wakes up disoriented in the trunk of a speeding car and discovers to her horror that she is missing more than her memory. With her mobile phone as the only link to the outside world, she wages a desperate battle for survival.
贝斯(艾米莉亚·琼斯 Emilia Jones 饰)和维拉(泰勒·希克森 Taylor Hickson 饰)是个性大相径庭的两姐妹,两人跟随母亲前往亲戚家留下的别墅居住,谁知道一家人却被两个变态盯上了。在母亲的奋勇抗争下,贝斯和维拉逃过一劫,长大后,贝斯将自己的这一段经历 写成了一本小说,并因此一炮而红,成为了畅销作家榜上的常客。与此同时,这段恐怖的回忆带给维拉的却是毁灭性的打击,她整日将自己锁在房间里,被恐惧包围与折磨。
克莱儿(莎拉·派克斯顿 Sara Paxton 饰)和卢克(派特·希利 Pat Healy 饰)是一家有着悠久历史的洋基旅舍(Yankee Pedlar)的店员,无尽长夜中,两人插科打诨,海阔天空神聊,顺便应付各种各样的客人。这家旅舍以闹鬼著称,传说曾有个名叫玛德琳·奥马利的新娘,在旅舍举行婚礼的当天上吊自杀。店主害怕影响生意,于是偷偷藏起尸体长达三天时间。事发后店主引起民众的愤慨,而闹鬼的传言也不胫而走。克莱儿与卢克架起摄像机拍摄旅社的超自然画面,并试图探访鬼魂的真面目,这个糟糕的决定将他们带入万劫不复……
A group of models find themselves trapped in a factory inhabited by a cannibalistic degenerated family.————種子地址:480p:
離線可秒殺- -
美丽女孩蕾贝卡(莎拉·博格 Sarah Bolger 饰)是一家女子教会寄宿学校的学生,开朗热情的她在学校结识了许多好朋友,其中金发女孩露西(莎拉·戈登 Sarah Gadon 饰)与之关系最为融洽。二人形影不离,无话不说,亲密无间。新学期伊始,高挑冷艳的恩妮莎(莉莉·科尔 Lily Cole 饰)转入她们的学校。恩妮莎那妖媚的神秘气息令蕾贝卡备感不适,可是露西似乎对其颇有好感,二人越走越近。与此同时,恩妮莎似乎也勾起蕾贝卡深埋心中的不堪回忆。这个恍如从哥特恐怖小说中走出来的女子,究竟藏着怎样的秘密……
本片根据Rachel Klein 同名畅销科幻恐怖小说。
大雪纷飞的群山中,一个少年踉跄倒地,被大雪所掩埋……挪威是冰雪运动的天堂,尽管野外失踪事件层出不穷,也阻止不了人们前往雪山的热情。让尼卡(英格丽德·波尔索·贝达尔 Ingrid Bols? Berdal 饰)、艾瑞克、莫腾(罗尔夫·克里斯蒂安·拉森 Rolf Kristian Larsen 饰)等五个好友前往荒僻的雪山滑雪,岂料莫腾不慎跌倒骨折,五人只得找到山上一处废弃的旅馆暂时休整,等待明日下山送莫腾就医。曾经失火的旅馆因他们的到来恢复了一些生气,然而同时醒来的,还有一个潜伏在暗中的杀人狂魔……杀人狂令五个好友遭遇了一场噩梦,而他如此凶残,皆因一段不堪回首的惨痛经历……